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Ariel Flores

Ariel Flores

Administrative Staff Personnel

Ariel Flores is GAPLabs' very own Handy Manny, Bob the Builder and Mr. Fix-A-Lot rolled in to one mustachioed powerhouse. Kuya Ayi, as he is fondly called, seems to have the solution for every maintenance problem–be it mechanical, electrical, carpentry, or plumbing related–encountered on campus. Got a broken chair? He can fix it! Water dripping on your desk from the ceiling? He can fix it! Need a new shelf for office supplies? He's got your back. Yes, there isn't any problem this father of four can't fix. Let's just hope he doesn't shave his mustache again. He got rid of his facial hair last year and seemed to temporarily lose his "Fix-It powers" until stubble appeared on his face a week later, not really but we do like the standard mustache look of our super hero Kuya Ayi.

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